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Los “manteros” no perjudican a las marcas: sorprendente sentencia de la AP de Barcelona

Esta semana nos hemos despertado con una sentencia sorprendente de la sección sexta de la Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona, en la que se concluye que la actividad de los llamados “manteros” no afecta a las marcas de lujo al no estar directamente relacionada con el producto, el comprador o el establecimiento donde se ofrecen estos productos. Se...


How the Netherlands revived its education of craft tailoring

Back in 2011, the Dutch National Opera & Ballet had a problem: it couldn’t find any local talent when looking for high-quality tailors. This realisation gave birth to Meesteropleiding Coupeur, a private school with a goal to revive the craft of tailoring. And so far it looks like it’s been successful, with past graduates having worked with Dutch...

The Fashion Education Network

The Fashion Education Network is a non-profit initiative by FashionUnited.

As an online platform, the network connects the global fashion education market, where educators and schools can present themselves towards other institutes, students and the global fashion industry.

The platform encourages fashion schools and educators to share news, knowledge and opportunities with each other. Providing information and resources contributing to the development of a talented and skilled future generation of fashion professionals.


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